The Resident Aliens

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The One About Raging Nations

Dear West Family

Just a very brief thought today. If you are like me, then you are probably struggling to think about anything other than the current situation in Ukraine. I have family and close friends who are part of our Armed Forces and I can’t help thinking about them and how this could impact them. I have friends with deep relational ties to Ukraine and have spoken with many of them already. We have ministry partnerships and Christian friendships with some believers on the ground in Ukraine, and we are starting to hear about the fearful force that is approaching them as we speak, and the Christian boldness with which they are facing its advance.

It really is incredibly sobering. May we be faithful in prayer.

Pray for the church in Ukraine. May the Lord give them supernatural bravery and protection. Pray for the church in Russia. May the Lord use them as peacemakers able to speak boldly and persistently to those in power. Pray for world leaders who are able to influence future outcomes. May the Lord give them wisdom, humility, boldness where needed, and a heart for the good of the people they serve.

Pray for those in the military who face the real scenario of again risking their lives for the protection of others. May the Lord do a mighty revitalizing and emboldening work in their hearts. Pray for the people who find themselves in the path of war. May the Lord save many, and may He miraculously protect the vulnerable.

Psalm 2 asks the right question of moments like this.

Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 

- Ps 2:1. (ESV)

It also issues the right warning.

Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth. 

- v10.

Lastly, it provides our only assurance.

Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. 

Blessed are all who take refuge in him. 

- v12.

May many take refuge in the Lord as a result of this.

One last thing. The song this week is from my good friend Mark Counihan. It popped up in my playlist this week and I remembered afresh how good it was. It is a little self-serving this week as it is also the last recorded song that I played drums on. Hope you enjoy it.

Mark Counihan - Call To Live (Lyric Video)

See you Sunday,