Letters to a Congregation

Every Thursday I write a pastoral letter to the west congregation of The Austin Stone Community Church. These letters are simple, pastoral musings on what it looks like to live a life that is attentive to God in the midst of a shared context.

Letters Ross Lester Letters Ross Lester

The One About Katie’s Cooking, the Great Commission, and the Adventure of Mission

Katie is a helper, but she is also really little, and so her helping is sometimes, um, not all that helpful. In fact, when she helps with things, it usually means that those things will need to be done twice, and so my temptation is to not include her at all. One of the places she loves to help is with the cooking. She slides a chair into the kitchen to stand on, she throws her favorite kid’s apron on, and she insists on doing things that she really isn’t capable of doing. It usually leads to a bigger mess than is necessary and more stress expenditure than was budgeted for in my emotional checking account, but it is worth it for the sense of purpose, joy, adventure and participation that it brings her. I love it when she helps, even though it isn’t all that helpful.

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Letters Ross Lester Letters Ross Lester

The One About our Wonderful, Crazy, Scary, Changing, “Boomtown”

We now live, by God’s good design and mercy, in the midst of a booming city. All endeavors to “Keep Austin Weird” seem long forgotten as globe leading corporations make their home here, and it isn’t good news for everyone. The city is becoming more expensive (we have one of the worst annual cost of living increases in the nation), housing is scarce (especially in the affordable housing sector), and many feel like the tone and the tenor of the place is changing in a way that they don’t like. People used to be quick to tell me how much they loved Austin and how proud they were to live here. Now it feels like many people I talk to are disillusioned by the city and its transformation and wondering aloud what sort of role they can and should play in it.

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