Letters to a Congregation
Every Thursday I write a pastoral letter to the west congregation of The Austin Stone Community Church. These letters are simple, pastoral musings on what it looks like to live a life that is attentive to God in the midst of a shared context.
The One About Compromise, Ruffles, and The Tough Teachings of Jesus
So, the question - which I had to answer for myself - and that I am asking you to consider now is … how much time, and energy, and emotion, and resource are you spending in pursuit of things that the world tells you are admirable but that God says are monstrous? Do we believe Him when He says that life is not made up of the abundance of our possessions, and that it is impossible to love both God and money? Or are we content to rationalize His commands away down into something that we can accommodate in our own current lives without causing too much disruption? Maybe the things that you strive towards are actually things that take you away from the life of flourishing that Christ has for you!