The Resident Aliens

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The One About Israel, Gaza, and Not Knowing What to Say

Dear Congregation

I don’t have a lot to say today. Like most of you, I have spent much of my week reflecting on the horrors that have taken place in Israel and Gaza over the past 5 days. The details of the brutality and sheer evil of the Hamas attack are too much to even contemplate, and the resultant casualties and losses of the siege of Gaza are most likely going to be catastrophic. 

A few people have asked me for my commentary. I don’t have any of additional value or profundity, and I know that is disappointing to some of you. I am a pastor and not an expert on politics, terrorism, just war, and Middle East relations, and so I don’t necessarily have any sort of fresh perspective on what it means to think “christianly” about the horror and undeniable evil that has occurred and the terror and violence that looks likely to continue to occur.

I just weep, and mourn, and pray. 

I am aware that I have been quick to speak in some other situations, and to be honest, I regret a lot of that. In hindsight, some more patient and prayerful pleading probably ought to have preceded much of my commentary. I am trying to do that in this case. 

Here then are some simple offerings of my prayers, which may or may not be helpful for some of you as you try to find the words to pray through this situation. I find it helps me to write down some of the things that I pray, and I only hope that they may serve as a guide for you when you don’t know what to say, and don’t know what to pray.

A prayer for Israel

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. How long? 

How long will this brutality last? How long until the land where you have shown your covenant faithfulness to a people over millenia will get to experience your peace, your presence, your mercy?

Oh Lord, comfort those who mourn.

Oh Lord, return those who are in captivity.

Oh Lord, protect those who are in danger.

Oh Lord, restrain those who seek to return wickedness with more wickedness, and injustice with more injustice. In their anger Lord, keep them from sin.

Oh Lord, may your Son, the one branded as “The King of the Jews” become known to many as Messiah and Lord. May you bring resurrection where there only seems to be death. May you bring beauty where only ashes can be seen. May the mourning that stems from the loss of those who were dancing before their deaths one day lead to more dancing in Israel. Oh Lord, be near!

May the way of Jesus become widely known and followed in the land in which He once walked. 

It is in His name I pray, and in His power that we have any hope.

A prayer for Gaza

Father God, the one who made the nations of the world and will one day bring them all into subjection under your feet, do something in the midst of the siege of Gaza.

May you appear to many. May your comfort be revealed and manifest. May leaders in that society repent in desperation and turn to you in humility. May there be women and children hunkered down who get to experience the power of the reality of your Son. May there be miracles of your salvation and rescue. May a revival of grace break out in the midst of the rubbles of siege and capture.

Lord, I confess that I don’t know what to pray for the people of Gaza, but I lean into the knowledge of your goodness, mercy, and love which far exceeds anything that I could think or even ask for. May we remember that your image and likeness is given to all humanity, and may we be a people who fight for the rights of image bearers even in the midst of severe injustice and righteous anger.

Soften my heart Lord. Keep me in humble prayer. 

May justice be swift and focused, Lord. May many turn to you in Gaza. 

A prayer for Hamas

God of justice, come quickly.

Bring the leaders of Hamas to repentance and then to whatever fate awaits them. If they won’t repent Lord, bring them to justice through human means, and do it swiftly. May their plans for more evil be thwarted. 

Lord may the abhorrence of their sin be a wake up call to many in the region who will seek to overthrow them and to replace them with leaders who don’t seek violence and evil. Turn their people against them, Lord.

Father, forgive them. If your Son could pray for His killers while they delighted in His torturous death, then we ought to be able to pray for the most violent of murderers and we do so now.

May grace overwhelm them.
May salvation spare their souls.

A prayer for the nations

Why do the nations rage, Lord? How long will the leaders of the world plot in vain?

Lord, I confess that when I consider the 34 known armed conflicts that are taking place in the world right now, I am tempted to despair. I am tempted to believe that there is no hope. But Lord, then I remember that you love the nations of the world, and that you have gifted them to your Son so that He can rule and reign over them for eternity.

Bring a glimpse of that rule and reign now please Lord.

Give leaders supernatural wisdom and humility, and bring leaders who are full of your Spirit to positions of influence! Give churches around the world a fresh outpouring of your Holy Spirit.

Muzzle your adversary. Disarm your enemy in his wicked schemes. Protect your people. Grow your church. Get the glory that is due to you from the nations of the world!

A prayer for peace

Wonderful counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father.

Bring peace where there is no peace.

Bring it where we don’t see it as possible.

Bring peace as a sign of your kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven.

In Jesus’ name.

The music this week is from U2 and is a desperate though quite despondent plea for peace. I am comfortable with the sense of despondency today.

Peace On Earth

See you Sunday.