Blog, Latest Jake Riddle Blog, Latest Jake Riddle

Death, Relationships, Faith, Fame, and Surrender

The book is marketed as a memoir of Bono’s life told through the lens of forty U2 songs. But that’s not really what it is. Surrender is more of a contemplation of death, relationships, faith, and fame written by a pretty complicated person. The writing alone is worth the price of admission. Let me show you what I mean.

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Blog, Latest Ross Lester Blog, Latest Ross Lester

Friends With the Flock: The Difficulty and Necessity of Building Friendships With Those You Are Called to Lead (Part 2)

I read somewhere recently that true friendship is like a sacrament of sorts, and I think I agree with that. Friendship, well practiced, is a spiritually formative reminder of the love and grace of Christ manifested in and through the loving presence, patience, and pursuit of His image bearers. One can’t help but feel the presence of Christ when a friends shows you grace at your least lovable. It is a very Christ-like thing to do. It has happened to me many times and continues to happen to me in the life of the church that I get to be part of today.  

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Blog, Latest Ross Lester Blog, Latest Ross Lester

Friends With the Flock: The Difficulty and Necessity of Building Friendships With Those You Are Called to Lead (Part 1)

As a pastor, you tend to enter into people’s lives in the deep end. It is usually something significant that results in you being drawn into their orbit. A loss, a gain, a wedding, a funeral, a divorce, or a divorce they’re trying to avoid. This means that there is an instant intimacy that feels like a friendship, but often isn’t. You are a service provider, you just don’t know that. 
You think that perhaps you are a friend trying to help.

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Blog, Latest Ross Lester Blog, Latest Ross Lester

Leading With a Limp: Anxiety, Depression and the Ongoing Desire to Lead Well

In August of 2021 I began to experience crippling anxiety and related depression that impacted my physical and emotional functioning to the extent that it became difficult, or perhaps impossible, for me to do my job. This ultimately manifested in some significant and truly terrifying panic attacks. I sought help and encouragement from a counselor and reached out to my wonderfully compassionate boss, who encouraged me to see my physician to see if additional help was needed. The doctor (as well as the counselor) agreed that I was struggling with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and that the best path forward was to seek treatment with counseling, medication and an immediate reduction of stress.

I was deeply ashamed.

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